We are not 'The Industry'. We don't work like 'The industry' and we don't have 'Industry' standards. We attempt to make our own standards, our own benchmarks.

Can EVI electric motors help you meet your goals?
If you’re an OEM, EVI can help you meet today’s and tomorrow’s strict fuel economy and emissions regulations while improving vehicle performance.
If you’re a company or a large organization with a commercial fleet of vehicles, EVI can help you improve the fuel efficiency of your fleet, saving you money and recouping your investment far quicker with EV Powertrains.
If you’re a Tier One automotive supplier, a powertrain supplier, or a supplier to these fleets, EVI can help you help your customers meet these regulations.
Get Your Dose Of EV ~ Rs.10000/hr.
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You have scarce engineering resources and ever-tightening budgets and vehicle lead times that require early, informed and firm decisions on advanced technology. However, EVI’s motors occupy space that was formerly unused behind the wheels so they integrate more easily than on-board solutions. There is no need to make major changes to engine or emissions components or to modify drivetrain components such as gearboxes ,differentials and driveshafts. In addition, the motors can be installed in new vehicles built on existing assembly lines with few changes to the manufacturing process.With EVI, you can introduce EVpowertrains to vehicle platforms with fewer new parts, less complexity, minimal changes to final assembly, and at a lower total cost.
Company and Government Fleets
Rising operating costs, shrinking budgets and green mandates are hard to balance when your fleet still has a job to do every day. In fact, EVI believes the time is right for a system that can add the benefits of EV technology to light duty vehicles that are already in service. EVI Electric’s system is a smarter and simpler way to green economy, add power and reduce emissions.As large companies and governments try to meet these challenges, EVI believes that an all-new EV retrofit market will emerge to support the private and public sector fleets. The vast majority of this new EV retrofit market will come from converting light-duty cars, crossovers, trucks and vans. In fact, the total addressable vehicle market procured in the India alone is estimated to be over 1.5 million vehicles. EVI’s system can be easily integrated into a broad range of vehicles and the driving cycle. That means fleet owners can get the benefits of EV technology without having to buy all-new vehicles, engines or transmissions, or having to modify their engines to run on different fuels than what they are using today. Since these vehicles often have a lifecycle of two to six years beyond the lifecycle of a typical retail vehicle, system costs can be amortized over several years after the vehicle is already in service.